San Pedro de Atacama: Tatio Geysers + Moon Valley: Saver Pack

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Hanki täydellinen yhdistelmä 2 Must Do San Pedro de Atacamassa! Tutustu hämmästyttävään Moon Valleyyn ja hämmästyttäviin Tation geysireihin tarjoushintaan.


  • Näe eteläisen pallonpuoliskon suurin geysiiriryhmä.
  • Nauti aamiaista, kun geysirien nousu aamuyöllä on hämmästyttävä näky.
  • Tutustu Moon Valleyn upeisiin aavikkomaisemiin.
  • Nauti upeasta auringonlaskusta Atacaman autiomaan yllä.


Choose your tour: With Ticket (entry included) or Without Ticket! This saver pack will include the Tour of Tatio Geysers and the tour to Moon Valley on the same day (tours on different days upon request) Tatio Geysers: Very early in the morning (4.30 / 5 AM), we will pick you up at your hotel to visit one of the highest geyser fields in the world. Located in the Andes Mountains, 61 miles from San Pedro de Atacama and 4,320 meters above sea level, El Tatio (from Kunza 'tata-iu') means 'The Grandfather Who Cries.' It is the largest group of geysers in the southern hemisphere and the third-largest in the world, after Yellowstone and Dolina Giezerow. At dawn, between 06:00 and 07:00, you can see an amazing spectacle, generated by violent steam flows that rise to 10 meters high with temperatures that reach 85°C. On the return trip, after having breakfast looking at the sunrise, it is possible to observe fauna such as vicuñas, llamas, rheas, vizcachas, etc. While in the Flora, the Giant Cactus, llaretas, coirón, etc. stand out. In addition, from a viewpoint, we will observe the small Ancestral town of Machuca, its few inhabitants are mainly dedicated to grazing and cheese production, very close to the place is the Laguna Salada where families of flamingos, ducks and seagulls live with an impressive landscape of beauty. After the excursion, return to San Pedro de Atacama at noon.. where you will have free time until the start of the Moon Valley Tour. Moon Valley Tour: Start this Adventure at our office in San Pedro de Atacama downtown (Summertime 4 pm / Wintertime 3 pm). Our bus for max. 12 people will lead you to the outstanding Atacama desert. You will witness one of the most incredible geomorphological wonders. Located inside the Flamencos National Reserve, you will visit the worldwide-known Valle de la Luna. This natural sanctuary has incomparable beauty and resembles a fragment of the lunar landscape, to which it owes its name. During your visit, you will admire the famous natural formation called Las Tres Marías, the Major Dune; a Majestic sand body, and viewpoints such as Quebrada Honda where the famous Coyote Stone is located. Before going back to our meeting point in San Pedro de Atacama you will have the chance of being part of an amazing sunset. Get ready to see how all the colors change in the desert!


Air conditioning vehicle - Shared Transportation Driver/Guide (Spanish and English) El Tatio Geysers includes Pick up from your hotel in San Pedro de Atacama Breakfast included for the El Tatio Geysers Tour Entrance fee for both Tours (if you've chosen our tour option that includes it)

Important Information

  • ** Kaikkien osallistujien passin nimi, numero ja kansalaisuus vaaditaan varauksen yhteydessä. ** Ilmoittakaa sen hotellin nimi, jossa majoitutte San Pedro de Atacamassa. Nämä tiedot ovat välttämättömiä puistoon pääsyä varten tarvittavien tietojen täydentämiseksi. ** Alle 7-vuotiaat lapset eivät saa osallistua tälle retkelle. ** Terveysrajoitukset: Ei suositella raskaana oleville matkustajille. Ei suositella matkustajille, joilla on sydänongelmia tai muita vakavia sairauksia. Muistathan, että nousemme 4320 metrin korkeuteen, joten jotkut saattavat kärsiä korkeuspahoinvoinnista. Ihmiset, joilla on verenpaineongelmia; sydänpotilaat; ne, jotka ovat kärsineet emboliasta tai turvotuksesta. Vaikeustaso: Matkustajilla tulisi olla kohtalainen fyysinen kunto.

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